About Us
Come and meet the dev team! We're a friendly bunch.
Team 9

Diving headfirst into the world of coding, driven by the opportunity for creative problem solving. Favourite Phrase - "I'm not sure what I'm doing, but I'm going to look great doing it!"

Fuelled by a passion for coding and a knack for problem-solving, I have taken the plunge into the dynamic realm of tech with the goal of leveraging my skills to make a positive impact on the world. Favourite phrase: "Get comfortable being uncomfortable".

An older man learning from younger people. Favourite phrase "You can teach an old dog new tricks".

JavaScript Wizard, can be found sprinkling abundant amounts of console.log's through the code as if it was a magical forest. Favourite phrase: "I think I fixed it this time."

Lifelong learner and passionate junior developer.
I'm diving back into the world of tech one leap at
a time.
With a solid web dev toolkit I am all about
bringing ideas to life. On the hunt for existing
Software Dev career opportunities.
Favourite phrase: "If at first you don't succeed,
call it version 1.0"

An 'ideas guy', I really enjoy the creative collaboration as much as the coding to bring a concept to life.
Job hunting Junior Fullstack Software Developer - Specialization in Advanced Frontend
Favourite phrase: "Huh, so that's what that does!"